Martes, Pebrero 21, 2017

Persuasive Essay

Apart from Anti-Bullying Act, why should there be a separate law that focuses on cyber bullying? 

     In the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 it's main objective is to protect children especially students. The law protects students from kindergarten to secondary levels. Bullying is  a distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are in some way smaller, weaker and younger or in any way vulnerable to the bully. This is why the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 was passed, to protect those who are in need and to stop the behavior of bullying. If this kind of action can be done, why not make another separate law that focuses on cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is frequently associated with psychological distress. Victims of cyber bullying tend to have increased rates of depression, anxiety and insomnia and more likely to engage in suicide. So who are going to help them? Who are going to defend them? What is going to help them? 
     If there would be another law to be passed that focuses on cyber bullying then the idea of stopping the act of cyber bullying is possible. I myself believe that there should be a separate law for cyber bullying. I believe that if this can be done there would be hope for the victims and they would feel protected and their fear will be gone. 

Week 4

Situation 4: A guy Nadita knew asked her to a party. She politely declined, making up an excuse not to go. When Nadita turned down a second and third invitation to go out with the guy, he started sending her creepy emails and text messages. The messages referred to her “hot” body and contained sexual comments. Nadita told her friend, who advised Nadita to ignore it. When the unwanted messages continued, Nadita went to her school guidance counselor, even though she felt embarrassed to discuss the problem. The counselor told Nadita she was being sexually harassed and that school administrators would take action to make the harassment stop.

     Discuss how well you think the person handled cyber bullying and how you might have handled it differently.

 -For me, Nadita handled the situation very well. Even when the situation gave her embarrassment she became strong for herself and asked for help from the guidance counselor. If I were to be placed in Nadita's shoes I would do the same thing but I would do it as soon as I got the creepy emails and text messages. I would also fight this situation without fear knowing that there are laws that can help me in my situation. 

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Lunes, Pebrero 20, 2017

Does bullying behavior make the bully more or less popular?  

     Popularity is one of the things that can be achieved when someone becomes a bully. They do all the bullying behavior because they want to stay popular among their peers and friends and they will do everything just to maintain this popularity. 
Bullies are actually weak people with low self-esteem who need to harm others to give themselves some type of feeling like power, control and popularity. Studies show that this bullying behavior gives someone the fake feeling of power and it just make them engage more and continue what they think makes them strong. 

Here are some tips to help us stop bullying:

Linggo, Pebrero 19, 2017

Week 3

Situation 3:
Someone who Rashad had "friended" on Facebook--a person he had met once at a party but didn't know very well--started posting weird photographs on Rashad's timeline. After discussing the situation with his dad, Rashad sent the person a private message asking him to stop, but the inappropriate postings continued. Rashad added three additional actions: he "unfriended" the person on Facebook, he blocked the person from seeing his Facebook account, and he finally reported the offensive photographs to Facebook administrators.

          Discuss how well you think the person handled cyber-bullying and how you might have handled it differently.
     For me I think Rashad handled the problem very well and I can say that what he did is the best way to fight cyber bullying. He made a smart decision when he consulted to his father after he received the weird photographs from the person he had met. Rashad had taken all the measures that a person can do when facing this kind of situation. If happen to be in that situation, I will do everything what Rasahad did.
     Technology can have its bad sides but we also have to use it properly to fight these things. Everyone should learn from what Rashad did. We have to be knowledgeable about these kind of things so that we can protect not only our self but also others.


Martes, Pebrero 14, 2017

Persuasive Essay

2. Should bystanders in cyber bullying cases be penalized?

     When we hear someone talk about cases of cyber bullying we usually think only of the two main actors the bully and the victim. But we should also look for the bystanders, bystanders are the ones that witness what happens when the bully bullies the victim. Bystanders have an indirect involvement to the case, some of them enjoys seeing the victim while he or she is being bullied some don't know how to react to the situation and some wants to stay quiet and turn a blind eye to stay safe. 
    Should bystanders be penalized as well? All bystanders act differently with each other regarding to the case and I think it is too much to penalize all of them without knowing their own reasons. People who makes the situation worse are the ones that needs to be punished and the ones who stay quiet must not be blamed for they have their own reasons for ignoring what they witness. 
    For me penalizing the bystanders should depend on the actions and reasons they have made. If their action is enough already to hurt someone even in an indirect way then they should be penalized. 

Week 2

Situation 2

1. Doris A friend of Doris received a text message accusing Doris of having shoplifted a makeup from a department store. The story was false, and the person spreading the rumor was jealous that Doris got excellent grades. Doris discovered that this person had spread the same text rumor to at least two of her friends. Doris discussed the situation with her coach after the soccer practice. The coach suggested that Doris send the girl a text message asking her to stop spreading the rumor. He also advised her to get copies of the text rumor from her friends to keep as evidence in case the problem continued.

    Discuss how well you think the person handled cyber bullying and how you might have handled it differently.

-I think that Doris handled the situation well and made the right thing. If I happen to be in the same situation like hers I would do the same thing. Asking the advice and help of an adult for this kind of situation is the best choice.
Her coach's advice is a great move to help Doris. But I think Doris could have done something more, If I were her I would ask someone to help me find this person talk to him/her personally. I will peacefully ask this person why is he/she doing all these and ask to stop.
By doing all these I think I could easily get through this and settle everything.

Linggo, Enero 22, 2017

Persuasive Essay

Why should house bill entitle an “Act of defining and penalizing the crime of cyber-bullying” otherwise known as “Anti-Cyber-Bullying Act of 2015” be passed?

       Cyber bullying is a type of bullying carried out in the internet through the use of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Cyber bullying happens when a person uses offensive language directed at another person which may hurt that person's feelings. Cyber bullying has also caused some people to resort to self-harming.
       Cyber bullying can be very damaging to its victims, especially to adolescents and teenagers. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and even suicide. More than 1 in 3 teenagers have experienced threats online, and according to cyber bullying statistics there are approximately 2.1 million cyber bullies and 2.7 million cyber bullying victims.
       The former Budget Secretary penned HB 5718 entitled “An Act defining and penalizing the crime of cyber-bullying” or the “Anti Cyber-Bullying Act of 2015.” By penalizing acts of cyber-bullying, people are encouraged to become more responsible citizens and make them accountable for their cyber-actions.
      It is stated that cyber bullies who will be caught will be fined at least P50, 000 but not exceeding P100, 000 and it is also possible to be imprisoned for a minimum 6 months to a maximum of 6 years. By passing these acts, it is hoped that cyber bullies would stop harassing others online. Due to the anonymity that the internet gives us, people therefore have the courage to say harsh things without realizing that they could possibly hurt someone. There are adults that engage in cyber bullying and just as when teenagers do it, the consequences can be just as harsh. There are people who have lost their jobs, their families and even their sense of self all because of cyber bullying. Technology has the ability to record or recall situations which include cyber bullying and many of them have become part of studies that looks into why cyber bullying occurs and how it can be avoided.
       We need to let everyone know that being silent while being hurt is not a good thing. We need to teach people to ask for help and not to endure the pain for themselves. If they don’t allow the cyber bullies to use them, to embarrass or torment them, cyber bullying will be quickly stopped. It seems impossible but everything will be worth the effort once cyber bullying is stopped. In the end, our children will be safer online and offline. We will have helped create a generation of good cybercitizens, where we are controlling technology instead of being controlled by it.